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Member Benefits

Allied/Allied Upgrade Membership

The GMBHA represents over 180 hotel members and more than 250 allied/allied upgrade members. GMBHA actively promotes its members' interests in local, state and national affairs. We not only advocate for your interests, but we provide you with resources to grow your business, educate your employees, keep you informed about important business opportunities, and contribute to your community.

Allied Membership

$595 annually
  • Unlimited number of company representatives that may attend in-person and virtual events at member price
  • Access to monthly in-person and virtual Networker/Receptions at member rate
  • Complimentary exhibitor table (with a purchase of a luncheon ticket) at our Annual Inn Key Luncheon
  • Social Media Exposure on GMBHA platforms (twitter, facebook, linkedin)
  • Company listed on GMBHA Online Directory
  • Feature company promotion on GMBHA website

Allied Upgrade Membership

$1,850 annually
  • Exclusive Allied Upgrade and Hotelier in-person and virtual events
  • Unlimited number of company representatives that may attend in-person and virtual events at member price
  • Invitation to VIP reception prior to Annual Meeting
  • Exclusive Monthly Allied Upgrade eNewsletter - opportunity to post company updates, highlights, articles and announcements
  • Company listed on GMBHA Online Directory
  • Feature company promotion on GMBHA website
  • Company email blast to all GMBHA members (2 per membership year)
  • Access to Annual Hospitality Leadership Awards (hotel executive employee awards reception)
  • Complimentary Allied Upgrade logos and recognition at major in-person and virtual events
  • Complimentary exhibitor table (with a purchase of a luncheon ticket), as well as Company recognition/logo on screen at our Annual Inn Key Luncheon (hotel hourly employee awards luncheon)

Hotel Membership

GMBHA is responsible for advocating on key issues in the hospitality industry locally, statewide, and nationally. The GMBHA is an acting voice for our hotels by providing a forum for those in the industry to meet, discuss common issues and develop relationships with other hoteliers, industry leaders, local politicians, and allied businesses that will help drive the results you need.

Hotel Membership (over 50 rooms)

$5.00 under 150; $3.00 over 150 annually
  • Engagement on important advocacy issues to communicate the industry's value locally, statewide and nationally
  • Partner with local Hospitality schools, Universities & Colleges
  • Provide training and educational seminars
  • Unlimited number of hotels representatives that may attend in-person and virtual events at member price
  • Ability to participate in annual Inn Key Awards Luncheon honoring hotel hourly employees
  • Ability to participate in annual Hospitality Leadership Awards honoring hotel managers
  • Ability to upload job postings on GMBHA Website through online directory
  • Hotel listed on GMBHA Online Directory
  • Complimentary social media exposure on GMBHA platforms

Hotel Membership (under 50 rooms)

$300 Flat Fee (less than 50) annually
  • Engagement on important advocacy issues to communicate the industry's value locally, statewide and nationally
  • Partner with local Hospitality schools, Universities & Colleges
  • Provide training and educational seminars
  • Unlimited number of hotels representatives that may attend in-person and virtual events at member price
  • Ability to participate in annual Inn Key Awards Luncheon honoring hotel hourly employees
  • Ability to participate in annual Hospitality Leadership Awards honoring hotel managers
  • Ability to upload job postings on GMBHA Website through online directory
  • Hotel listed on GMBHA Online Directory
  • Complimentary social media exposure on GMBHA platforms
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