City of Miami Beach Announces Reopening Dates
– First Phase to Include Retail and Commercial Establishments Permitted to Reopen Under Miami-Dade County EO 23-20 —
Miami Beach, FL – The City of Miami Beach is preparing to safely welcome back residents and visitors to a myriad of locales that had previously closed their doors in our collective effort to contain the spread of COVID-19. Following Miami-Dade County Mayor’s May 15, 2020 issuance of County Emergency Order 23-20, the city will implement its phased reopening on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 — permitting certain retail and commercial establishments, including retail stores, personal grooming establishments, offices and museums to reopen, subject to the social distancing requirements in County EO 23-20 and the city’s Phase 1 Reopening Emergency Order. The city’s order provides that restaurants and sidewalk cafes may reopen on May 27, 2020.
“We’re not going to rush into our reopening,” said Mayor Dan Gelber. “Businesses need time to prepare their best practices so the public has confidence that their experience will be as enjoyable as it is safe. We all need to work as a community to get this right.”
The city is launching a website, www.miamibeachfl.gov/reopening, delineating mandatory guidelines by industry. The site is currently populated with Phase 1A guidelines and subsequent guidelines will be coming soon.
Additionally, Ocean Drive is now closed to vehicular traffic to allow restaurants in Phase 1B to extend their footprint — allowing for additional capacity. It also offers an opportunity for residents and visitors to walk or cycle along this iconic street. The city is exploring other options to allow for more outdoor capacity.